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Why, hello there! Welcome to If Nails Make You Happy, a blog about my obsession with nail polish. I hope my posts make you happy...and if they don't, well, that's not my problem, is it?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

NYC Classic Coral Creme

Okay. This polish, which more than deserves this post, has been on my list of to-do's for too long. It's definitely in the running for my favorite polish, like, ever...and now, finally, here it is for you guys:

NYC Classic Coral Creme.

Mmm-hmmm. Natalie the nail junkie is absolutely in love with a drugstore shade that she bought for 99 cents before she was even that into nail polish. But just look at the pictures and you'll see why!!

So let me guess what you're thinking. This color isn't exactly "classic", it's more pink than "coral", and it's definitely a shimmer or jelly or a combination of those two...not a "creme". Or at least that's what I'm thinking every time I pick this bottle up...but just look! It's too pretty to judge its being a total misnomer.

Classic Coral Creme took four thin coats (three would have done the trick if my nails weren't long enough to have a super visible nail line) and didn't dry completely smooth because of the shimmery particles in its formula. Other than those two issues, though, CCC is...delightful? A joy? Totally rad? Whatever...I love it.

Just one more day until the weekend - hang in there!!

Stay happy :)))

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