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Why, hello there! Welcome to If Nails Make You Happy, a blog about my obsession with nail polish. I hope my posts make you happy...and if they don't, well, that's not my problem, is it?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

nails inc. Sweets Way

I'm kind of on a sweets kick. I went to a sleepover last night and only ate dessert - fondue AND s'mores - and then for breakfast I ate some MORE s'mores, and then I got home and ate some cookies, and then with dinner today, I had another GIANT cookie for dessert. It kind of went with my last nail manicure, Zoya's Yummy (which I can assure you ALL of that food was), but I think today's nails match my sweet tooth even better: nails inc. Sweets Way.

Earlier this year, nails inc. released a bunch of special effect sprinkle nail polishes. Basically, these polishes are different colored round glitter pieces in a fairly sheer base which, layered, looks like frosting and sprinkles. There are four colors: a white base with pink and blue sprinkles, a coffee base with brown and white sprinkles, a blue base with teal and yellow sprinkles, and a pink base with pink and purple sprinkles.

Sweets Way was the most obvious pick for me because, being the white-based "frosting", I assumed it would match more colors of nail polish.

nails inc. Sweets Way
I've been over how nails inc. names all their polishes after places in London before, and I'll admit, I was skeptical when I heard the names of these polishes. Sweets Way, Pudding Lane, Sugar House Lane, and Topping Lane definitely don't sound like your average street name (really...Pudding?), but I did actually check and...apparently whoever names streets in London had as much of a sweet tooth as I do, because all four of those places actually exist.

Anyway, here is Sweets Way:

Sweets Way (shade)

Sweets Way (sunlight)
I think Sweets Way actually looks a lot like sprinkles in frosting in the sun! I was pretty impressed. Especially  from a distance, my nails looked...well, good enough to eat! Up close, though, and particularly in the shade, the glitter pieces look more like glitter than sprinkles.

See how the "sprinkles" are actually shiny up close? Maybe the effect would be more realistic with a matte nail polish!

Overall, I'm fairly satisfied with Sweets Way. It only took 3 coats to get a completely opaque look. Unfortunately, because of the thick, chunky nature of the polish, it was a little harder to control application. And, as with most glitters, it ate topcoat like I eat chocolate. Even after a coat of Gelous AND a thick layer of Poshe, my nails still have a slightly rough, bumpy finish.

How do you like the cupcake-y look? Sweet? Not so sweet? Let me know!

Stay happy!


  1. why doesn't anyone comment....its ok I'll be that annoying fangirl who comments on everything XD dude those look rlly realistic actually! a little too realistic...did you have a problem with them falling off or anything?

    1. I'm not worried about it coming off at all! In fact, I'm more concerned about the fact that it's NEVER going to come off because it's technically a glitter polish...these sprinkles aren't going ANYWHERE.
