Well, hello there!

Why, hello there! Welcome to If Nails Make You Happy, a blog about my obsession with nail polish. I hope my posts make you happy...and if they don't, well, that's not my problem, is it?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

My phone looks like the UNIVERSE!

First in the sky itself. Then on nails. And now...on the back of my phone!

...Yes, that's right. Now my phone looks like the universe.

Galaxy phone...ha, ha...get it?

I used the same exact process that I use on my nails to make the back of my phone look like the universe! It took even less time than my nails, though, because I didn't need to do a layer of base coat or of black!

Additionally, I could not get over my own genius in making my phone (which is a Galaxy something-or-other) look like...well, a galaxy. Okay...maybe not "genius", exactly, but at least let me think it's super clever, okay?

Stay happy!

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