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Why, hello there! Welcome to If Nails Make You Happy, a blog about my obsession with nail polish. I hope my posts make you happy...and if they don't, well, that's not my problem, is it?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

MORE Magnetic Magic??

Ohhhh yes. There's even more. Prepare yourself.

Sinful Colors Captivate Me
What?? Sinful Colors? As in that brand that's about two bucks a bottle at any drug store? How can you possibly be so mind blown about that? 

Ahh. I thought the same thing when I saw the new collection of Sinful Colors magnetic polishes at Target. I was SO skeptical that I bought a bottle, just so I could laugh at it. No, really...that's my life.

But anyway, I have to give Sinful Colors some credit. The bottle really caught my eye because there's - what's this?! - HOLOGRAPHIC GLITTER?! In the magnetic polish. Well, Natalie, I said to myself, even if the magnetic effect isn't any good at all, there's still holographic glitter. Get it. YOLO. 

Like the nails inc. magnetic polishes that I showed you earlier, Sinful Colors Captivate Me was very nice and fairly opaque in just one coat:

Even if it wasn't magnetic, Captivate Me would still make for a fairly nice purple-ish frost, no?

Before I tried the Sinful Colors magnet (I'm pretty skeptical of drugstore nail polishes in general) I thought I'd try it with the nails inc. magnets. Hold up - again, prepare yourself. 

WHAT?! Yes. It worked with the fishnet magnet. I couldn't get the fishnet magnet to work to save my own life with my nails inc. magnetics, but it worked wonderfully with Captivate Me. Captivated yet? (Hehe, see what I did there?)

And then, of course, was the nails inc. wave pattern magnet:

 Is that cool or what? Can you SEE how strong the magnet effect is here? 

Okay now...are you ready for this? I don't think you are. I wasn't. Here's Captivate Me with the magnet that it came with:

WHOAAAAA! Back up, back up. Is that a STAR pattern?!

Why, yes. Yes it is. Here are all three patterns together:

I promised you magic. And I think this is magic. But if you don't think you've seen magic yet, prepare yourself...

Do you see that holographic sparkle in the bottle? I know you can't tell from the picture, but it's there on my nails too. I promise.

The formula for Captivate Me was fairly good. It was easy to fix mistakes in just one coat, which was really nice. My only issues are that Captivate Me dried a little chunky because of the holographic glitter...and then that when I tried to smooth it out with topcoat, the pattern got dragged and smeared a little bit (all of the pictures above are without topcoat); however, with topcoat on, the holographic effect is even more pronounced!

One more thing. Prepare yourself. (Yet again; only now am I realizing how many times in this one post I've said "prepare yourself" and for that, I apologize. Just kidding. You deserve to be warned when you need to be prepared, right?)


I kid you not. So if you were too turned off of nails inc. (or any other magnetic brand, for that matter) by the insane price ($16! That's an exclamation point, by the way, not a factorial symbol...I promise I wouldn't spend $2.092279E13 on a single nail polish) then by all means, go out and get this one. Or any of its probably equally-amazing siblings. There's a whole bunch in the new Sinful Colors magnetic collection!

Clearly I was a little flipped out by the amazingness that is Sinful Colors Captivate Me. Which pattern is your favorite?

Stay happy!


  1. Nice math reference, Nat. Does it make me too much of a geek that I laughed at that?

    1. Hehe thanks girl! And no...not at all...I'm the math geek for even thinking of it in the first place :P

  2. Love you a million for swatching this color. I saw this and the other grey w/ blue glitter in target, and found tons of swatches for that one, but had to DIG for your swatch of the red. Thank you thank you, it's gorgeous! Love all the magnets you used <3

    1. Thanks! It really is so pretty, isn't it? I'm waiting for an excuse to go back to Target and pick up some of the other colors too :)
