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Why, hello there! Welcome to If Nails Make You Happy, a blog about my obsession with nail polish. I hope my posts make you happy...and if they don't, well, that's not my problem, is it?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Julep Maya (Swatches!)

Well hello there! 

Today's polish is one that isn't exactly "me" - but I'll leave the judging up to you, I guess. Another from Oprah's favorites, here's Julep Maya...

Maya is a pearly cross between champagne and seashell with a frosty finish. Heh...I'm still working on describing my colors right, if you can't tell. Anyway, I have incredibly mixed feelings about Maya.

One one hand, I think Maya is a really interesting color! Most of my nail polishes are the bright, pop-out-ish colors that most people only sport on their toes during the summer, and Maya seems a little...tame. Nonetheless, I like the way she looks on my nails. Now...my mom did say it looked "old-lady-ish" (her words, not mine!), and I don't know if I'd call Oprah an old lady, but she's definitely not young any more.

On the other hand, Maya's finish is something else. I don't usually work with pearly finishes or frosts, and if you can't tell by the SUPER-visible brush strokes, I'm not very good with them, either. They kind of confuse me, and I had to do an extra coat to cover up some really ugly brush strokes (pictured is three; Maya was opaque at two).

But, I mean, to each his (or her!) own, right? Overall, I think I like Maya; I'm just not going to be wearing her every single day of my life. How do you like her?

Stay happy!!

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