Well, hello there!

Why, hello there! Welcome to If Nails Make You Happy, a blog about my obsession with nail polish. I hope my posts make you happy...and if they don't, well, that's not my problem, is it?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My camera's out...

...but I'm not! And fear not, for I used my crap-tastic phone camera to take pics of all my nails just in case my camera  never fixes itself (because I certainly won't be fixing it myself...)! But for now, while I wait for the camera to magically reboot in hopes that I can deliver you with much higher quality pictures than that of my phone, I have for you some of my favorite nail blog entries! 

1. Coewless Nail Polish Blog: Taylor Swift nails 

Um, like seriously. For the full post (and more pics) check it out here. If you see her other nails, you'll understand why this chick is literally my idol.

2. Chalkboard Nails' swatch of Serum No. 5 Day Glow

PSHHHFFSHHHHWHAT?! Yeah. So basically I HAVE to have this polish. Or I'll cry. See the whole post here.

3. The Nailasaurus's metallic splatter nails (inspired by the same design on Nails and Noms)

Aren't they so pretty?? And with short nails, too, for anyone who ever tries to use the excuse of short nails to not do them nicely. Check out the full post here.

So...that's all I (or should I say, the other nail bloggers of the world) have for you today! As soon as I figure out what's up with my camera or succumb to using my phone instead, I'll be back with pics of my own nails for you (and maybe a tutorial or two, just to make up for my absence). But for now...

Stay happy!!

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