Well, hello there!

Why, hello there! Welcome to If Nails Make You Happy, a blog about my obsession with nail polish. I hope my posts make you happy...and if they don't, well, that's not my problem, is it?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Amazing Magical Foil Method

First, outside, inside, last! 

Just kidding. This post is definitely NOT about how to multiply binomials...which right now, I probably couldn't even do if someone held a gun to my head. I love being out of school!!

Instead of basic algebra skills, I'm going to talk about another amazing, magical foil method - the one used to remove glitter nail polish! I love, love, LOVE shiny things (who doesn't?!) but  I hate, hate, HATE the hassle that comes with removing glittery nail polish. Luckily, some genius discovered this method that gets rid of torn cotton balls, wasted nail polish remover, tears, and, most importantly, the stubbornest of glitter nail polishes.

First, you need 3 things: 

Remover - I use the generic kind, but there's obviously a lot of options out there
Cotton balls!
Aluminum foil - doesn't matter how big the strips are, but I'd guess that I make mine about 3x2 inches
Here's how it works:

1. Soak cotton ball with remover
2. Press cotton ball to nail
3. Wrap foil, shiny side down, around cotton ball to secure it to nail:

Hehe - looks like robot monster nails!
4. Play music and dance around for 5-8 minutes (as you might be able to see in my picture of removers, today's artist of choice was WHAM!)
5. Slide foil/cotton ball contraption off fingertips
6. Use cotton ball to take off any remaining polish/glitter. You don't even have to use a new cotton ball - just take one out of the foil you just used!

VOILA! No more messy glitter!
7. Repeat with your other hand. This might be tricky if you're not ambidextrous (don't be ashamed if you're not; I, like the other 97% of the world, am not either), so you might want to enlist some help.

And there you have it! No more tears over the terribleness known as removing glitter polish! You'll notice that your cuticles might look a little dry, so I'll post my remedy for that later.

Hope your nails stay happy!